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The Front Page of Nightlife

The Wave App

Get hype for the Wave app! "Which bars are poppin'?" "Who's going out?" "What's the wave tonight?" These questions answered and much more, all at the tap of a phone screen. Stay tuned for timeline updates and videos of new features!

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Developing: Nightlife's COVID-19 Tech Solution 

Featured on GrepBeat, WAVE is pivoting amidst the current climate to create technology that could bring nightlife back to Chapel Hill, while mitigating the risk of COVID-19 exposure.  

The Hype

Wave is bringing the hype to Chapel Hill. Take a look at some of the past events and get hype for the next ones.

Unreleased Merch Designs: Which Ones Will We See?

It's no secret we have a lot of unreleased merch--people are always asking about designs they saw teased on our stories. Here's a little sneak peek: and don't be surprised to see some of these hit the store in 2021!

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We're not developing an app. We're revolutionizing an entire industry.


Willie Barron, CEO

App Coming Soon!

What do you think about Wave? Questions? Suggestions? Let us know here!

Thanks for submitting!


Instagram: @WaveUNC

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